Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Theatre Workshop Offered over Spring Break

Just saw this on Facebook and thought I should share... 

Spend Spring Break creating theater
Sponsored by Patrick DuLaney and Chris Okiishi
When: Monday - Friday, March 16-20, Noon- 4 pm
Where: The Nolte Academy, 1619 2nd Street, Coralville
How Much: Pay what you can! Open to all! (Suggested fee $50.00 to help cover transportation cost)
Age range: 14 - 22

Reserve your place NOW—contact 602-369-0588

"The word theatre comes from the Greeks. It means ‘the seeing place’. The theatre is a spiritual and social X-ray of its time." -Stella Adler

Join one of the Pacific Northwest’s leading theatre professionals and international teaching artist Kathryn Van Meter for this once in a lifetime opportunity to devise a piece of theatre from events that matter to YOU!

Create something from nothing
Improve your improv
Generate your own work
Illuminate your ensemble
Collaborate on movement, text and sound

We the artists are tasked with holding up a mirror to the world, questioning what we find,and challenging ourselves and our audience with the results. Theatre is not a passive art form. It is the capacity of human beings to observe themselves in action. And it can change the world. YOU can change the world with your art. What do you see?

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